Monday, July 27, 2020

Interest Grows in Low-Dose Radiation for Covid-19

In 2013 Edward Calabrese, a toxicologist from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and a colleague were pining over century-old data on any evidence of whether low-dose radiation therapy could be utilized to combat certain types of illness and disease. Surprisingly, they did find proof that small amounts of radiation were moderately effective in combating pneumonia.

The research showed that doctors reported reduced symptoms within hours of a single dose of X-ray exposure. At that time, only a few people noticed the findings from Calabrese, and they were dismissed, only just being mentioned in a few publications. However, that all changed when Covid-19 came around. People were rushing to find any treatment that would prove even relatively effective against the novel coronavirus, and its devastating pneumonia that is the hallmark of the disease.

“Back in February, I started getting just dozens and dozens and dozens of emails from radiation oncologists – people who treat cancer patients with targeted radiation. And they had come across our paper, and they thought that this might be a vehicle by which they could help suffering and dying COVID patients perhaps survive,” Calabrese said. “Clinical trials are now going on across the country.”

At least a dozen trials worldwide are being tested for low-dose radiation therapy (LDTR), as a treatment to pneumonia related to Covid-19. The theory is that radiation to the lungs will halt the runaway inflammation responsible for the devastating pneumonia that leads to the course of some Covid-19 patients.

Read more on the developments of this article here.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. We provide premium customer experience throughout the USA with our team of highly qualified oncology equipment and dedicated service specialists.

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