Thursday, May 4, 2017

Four Common Cancer Treatments

Cancer is a truly awful disease that claims countless lives up and down the globe, every single day. As horrible as the disease is, the good news is that we are finally beginning to win the war against cancer, as for the first time in history, more people diagnosed with the disease, are surviving as opposed to passing away. This is all because of the numerous cancer treatment methods and devices currently available to us.

When it comes to treating cancer, choosing an oncology equipment service company is vital as you must ensure your machines and devices are all in full working order. To help get a better idea of how we are now able to treat numerous cancers, below you will find a list looking at four of the most common cancer treatments currently being utilized in medical practices and hospitals all across the globe.

Chemotherapy – When people think of cancer treatment, generally it is chemotherapy that often springs to mind first. Chemotherapy is a type of therapy where specialist drugs are used in an attempt to destroy cancerous cells. The drugs literally poison and destroy the cells, but as they are so powerful, they do cause some pretty awful side effects, including nausea, vomiting, and hair loss.

Radiation therapy – The reason why it’s so important for medical practices to find oncology equipment service company experts is because many cancer treatment devices rely on them to function correctly. Radiation therapy is another common cancer treatment which utilizes large dosages of radiation to destroy cancerous cells. Linear accelerator machines for example, use x-rays to shrink and destroy cancerous tumours located anywhere on the patient’s anatomy.

Thanks to the advanced technology, linear accelerators can be designed so that they target the cancerous tumours, without harming the healthy cells and tissues surrounding the tumour on the patient. Naturally you want these machines to be in full working order, which is why it’s so vital that you find a reliable oncology equipment service company.

Surgery – Another very common and effective cancer treatment is surgery. With cancer surgery, patients will undergo a specialist procedure in which a surgeon will carefully cut away cancerous cells and/or tumours from their body, to remove it and to prevent it from spreading any further. Many cancer removal surgeries are actually very straightforward and can be completed in a matter of minutes, requiring very little recovery time.

Immunotherapy – Immunotherapy is another example of a very common and effective cancer treatment that is designed to help the body fight cancer from within. With immunotherapy, the immune system of the patient will be used to help fight and destroy cancer from within. The human immune system is the human body’s natural defence against illness and disease; naturally, this can be a very effective treatment.
Acceletronics delivers the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models.  We sell, repair, refurbish, move and finance oncology medical systems check out more at

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